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Release Notes and Known Issues

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Build 2024.0807
Bug fixes related to how final rendered HDR content is stored and named in Unreal.

Build 2024.0603
Performance Improvements to Render View. LightPainting on the streamed render coming into HDR Light Studio is faster and smoother.
Fixed an issue where area light textures we clamped with incorrect LDR compression settings.

Build 2024.0509
Support added for Unreal Engine 5.4
Source code for the plug-in is included so the Unreal Editor can automatically recompile it to match your build of the Unreal Editor if different to the version we have compiled against.

Build 2023.1115
Updated to be compatible with HDR Light Studio 8.2

Known Issues

HDR Light Studio project data does not transfer over to duplicated levels
If you have lighting made with HDR Light Studio in your level and you duplicate or use 'Save Current Level As...' to save your level under a different name, then the HDR Light Studio project data will not transfer over from the original level.
Temporary workaround:
Open your original level in Unreal Engine 5 that contains your HDR Light Studio lighting. Start HDR Light Studio in connection with Unreal Engine 5 and save your lighting project from the HDR Light Studio interface as an .HDi file (Project > Save Project As). Return to Unreal Engine 5 and stop HDR Light Studio from the connection panel. Next, open your new (duplicated) level in Unreal Engine 5 and start HDR Light Studio from the connection panel. Then, load the project (.HDi file) from the HDR Light Studio interface using Project > Open Project. The lighting design will load into HDR Light Studio replacing its current design, and will then be synced back into your duplicated level in Unreal Engine 5.

Lighting addon for your 3D software

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