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Release Notes | Known Issues

Release Notes

Build 2024.0327
Support added for Maya 2025

Build 2023.1115
Updated to be compatible with HDR Light Studio 8.2

Build 2023.0329
Maya 2024 support - Adding Python 3.10 into the Maya installer.
Added support for Area Light spread - Arnold, Renderman, Redshift, and V-Ray.
New unified single installer.
Performance improvements.
HDR Light Studio has moved to using a new version of QT. Plug-in updates were required as a result of this.
HDR Light Studio API updates.
Fixed a bug related to exporting your scene without panel having focus.
Fixed Pause/Start Start/Start buttons not saving the project data.
Lots of additional small bugs fixed.

5th May 2022
Maya 2023 plug-in released - Plug-in build 2022.0404

Build 2021.1115
Support added for RenderMan 24.2
Dropped support for Maya 2018

9th June 2021
Support for Maya 2022 added

Build 2021.0504
On macOS, if HDR Light Studio environment variable is not found/work/set then default install location used to find HDR Light Studio main app. This allows users to use HDR Light Studio with their connection who were having technical difficulties due to macOS ignoring our environment variable.

Build 2020.1203
Fixed a big with RenderMan IPR support.

Build 2020.0302
Support added for Maya 2020, supporting: Redshift, V-Ray, Octane, Renderman and Arnold
Tested against: Redshift 2.6.51, V-Ray 4.30.001, Octane 2019.1.5 - 15.14, RenderMan 23.1, Arnold 4.0.1
Bug fix: Maya / Octane: Area Light Alpha not appearing correctly

Build 2019.0531
Fixed LightPaint inaccurate in V-Ray Render View inside HDRLS

Build 2019.0403
Maya 2019 support added
Fixed issues with VRay VFB not hiding/reloading/restarting properly.
Fixed issues with ReSync'ing the Arnold FrameBuffer.
Fixed issue with Maya not refreshing its environment hooks before Starting the Connection.
Fixed issues with not handling switching of the Maya scene when HDRLS is running.
Fix for RenderMan 22.3 support

Build 2018.1206
Fixed a bug resulting in duplicated area lights caused by a change in Arnold 3.1.1

Build 2018.1023
Maya/Octane: Later release of Octane broke HDR Light Studio compatibility. This has now been fixed.
Maya/Octane: Fixed a potential crash issue when starting the Octane IPR in Maya via HDR Light Studio.
HostPreset namings for RenderMan are changing to;
RenderMan 20 and older will be referred to as RenderMan Legacy
RenderMan 21 & 22 will both be referred to as RenderMan.

Build 2018.0725
Changes to support updated API in newer HDRLS.

Build 2018.0426
Huge interface update, replacing HDR Light Studio connection panel with shelf buttons.
Bug Fixes:
Bug 1732: Maya/Arnold - area lights are not hidden when solo'd or turned off in HDRLS

Build 2018.0202
Updated workflow - hook creation for renderers, Maya IPR image hosted in HDR Light Studio Render View
Plus minor bug fixes

HDR Light Studio 5.4.1 fixes a bug with Maya/Arnold. HDR Light Studio Production Render content was output in the wrong file format. This is now fixed.

Build 2016.1122
Support added for new area light advanced rotations and light handle
Bug 1204 - Fixed bug with Octane Renderer where Show/Hide for area lights does not affect the IPR
Bug 1517 - Fixed probems due to using Multiple Environment Hooks
Bug 1424 - Fixed issue where invalid characters in Area Light name causes the IPR renderer to stop responding
Build 2016.0804
Added support for Maya 2017
Added support for RenderMan 21
V-Ray area lights are now correctly scaled using U and V size parameters
Fixed broken Alpha on Maya V-Ray area lights

Build 2016.0512
Added support for Maya 2016.5

Build 2016.0323
A fix so that RenderMan is now supported on OSX  as well as Windows and Linux. Performance improvements when using RenderMan.

Build 2016.0225
Updated for compatibility with HDR Light Studio 5.3
Bug 1154 - Dragging Lat / Long Sliders in HDRLS, slow HDRI map updates has been fixed.
Bug 1232 - Fixed issue when starting HDRLS with an embedded project, the initial lighting didn't match until a change was made.
Bug 1005 - Fixed HDRLS crash on exit when referencing Alembic file
Support added for iRay for Maya.
Support added for HDR Light Studio area lights. Works with MentalRay, Arnold, V-Ray, Maxwell, Octane, Redshift, RenderMan (RIS), iRay for Maya.
Bug 996 - Fixed bug where HDRLS can not be stopped when it's hidden.
Bug 1138 - Fixed bug where Export Scene fails if path name has a space in it.
Bug 1139: Fixed bug with exporting the scene as a named file not being saved in the HDRLS project data in Maya.
Bug 1151 - Fixed plug-in exception bug with using Rim LightPaint mode in Maya viewport
Bug 1004 - Fixed bug where connection could not be resumed with HDRLS after a HDRLS crash.
Bug 1206: Fixed rotation for HDRI map in Maya/Redshift.

Build 2015.0814
The Maya Connection has been updated to be compatible with HDR Light Studio 5.2.1
HDR Light Studio 5.2.1 contains a critical stability fix relating to communications between HDR Light Studio and host connections.

Build 2015.0630
Support for Maya Renderman 20 environment node has been added (PxrStdEnvMapLight).
Plug-in user interface has been updated to be more consistent with the plug-in connections.

Build 2015.0527
BUG 826 - if your Maya scene was exported to HDR Light Studio 5 with the "Via Temporary File" switched off, saving and restoring the scene in Maya would not load back the model in HDR Light Studio. This has been fixed.
BUG 829 - in the previous build using the Maya plug-in connection, there was a delay of a few seconds before a re-render was triggered in Maya after a lighting change in HDR Light Studio. This has been fixed in the Maya plug-in connection build 2015.0527. You will also need to install HDR Light Studio 5.1.


Known Issues

Whilst Maya has cameras for the front/side/top and they are listed in HDR Light Studio's Render View that shows the Arnold IPR. But those views are not supported by Arnold. If you select front/side/top camera views in the HDR Light Studio Render View, the view will not change and the LightPaint feature will not function. The reason is that whilst Maya will list them as cameras, Arnold does not recognize them as cameras.




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