The ISV line does not specify a port by default, so RLM dynamically chooses a port number when you start the license server. To specify a fixed port (to get through a firewall), add port=<isv-port> to the ISV line, where <isv-port> is the number of a free TPC/IP port. In the example above, we added port=62645
After you edit the license file, stop both RLM and the ISV license server, then start RLM. Here is an example of the output from RLM using the example port numbers above.
# ./rlmutil rlmdown lightmap
# ./rlmutil rlmdown RLM
# ./rlm
03/19 13:42 (rlm) RLM License Server Version 11.0BL2
Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
03/19 13:42 (rlm) License server started on acme_server
03/19 13:42 (rlm) Server architecture: x64_m1
03/19 13:42 (rlm) License files:
03/19 13:42 (rlm) hdrlightstudio.lic
03/19 13:42 (rlm)
03/19 13:42 (rlm) Web server starting on port 5054
03/19 13:42 (rlm) Using TCP/IP port 5059
03/19 13:42 (rlm) ... adding UDP/IP port 5053
03/19 13:42 (rlm) Starting ISV server lightmap on port 62645
03/19 13:42 (lightmap) RLM License Server Version 11.0BL2 for ISV "lightmap"
03/19 13:42 (lightmap) Settings from RLM Version 9.4BL4 for ISV "lightmap"
03/19 13:42 (lightmap) Server architecture: x64_m1